Dec 27, 2021 by
If you file a car accident claim, the insurance adjuster will probably reach out and ask for a statement fairly soon after you commence the proceedings. While giving them a rundown of what happened and explaining how you were hurt in the process might seem innocuous enough, it could jeopardize your case in the long run. At the end of the day, carriers want to protect their bottom line. As ... [Read More]
Dec 9, 2021 by
Whether you’re taking the kids to the city pool or grabbing a few groceries after work, you probably don’t expect the outing to end at the hospital. It’s reasonable to assume both public places and private establishments maintain their premises to a fairly safe standard. Put another way, they should be free of hazards that can cause serious injury. Unfortunately, as many families have learned the hard way, not all ... [Read More]
Dec 1, 2021 by
If you’re planning on filing a truck accident claim and you’ve decided to enlist legal help, you’re off to a great start. While injured parties have every right to represent themselves during such proceedings, they have enough to worry about without having to investigate the wreck, log the resulting damages, or correspond with the opposing party. Just because your attorney will handle virtually all the logistics of your case, however, ... [Read More]
Nov 23, 2021 by
When someone gets behind the wheel while impaired, they’re risking not only their own life, but also the lives of everyone on the road around them. Sadly, that’s still not enough to stop some people. More than 10,000 traffic fatalities across the country are attributed to drunk drivers every year. Impaired motorists are also responsible for a significant number of injuries, many of which have lasting ramifications for the victims. ... [Read More]
Nov 11, 2021 by
If you were seriously hurt in a large truck crash and you’re planning on taking action, you’re probably wondering whether you need legal representation. While you’re not required by law to enlist help, it’s advisable to hire a seasoned personal injury attorney. A truck accident lawyer can handle virtually every aspect of your claim. More specifically, they will: 1. Investigate the Circumstances Surrounding the Crash As long as you turn ... [Read More]
Nov 3, 2021 by
If you lost a loved one in some kind of preventable accident, it’s only natural to want justice. While filing a claim won’t bring the deceased back, it could leave your family with enough money to pick up the pieces in the aftermath. Should you be unsure how to get started, don’t worry; a wrongful death attorney can help. And as long as you do the following before your initial ... [Read More]
Oct 28, 2021 by
Those who get hurt through no fault of their own are often wary of seeking legal counsel. Surely the insurance adjuster will guide you through the claims process, right? And as long as the carrier seems sympathetic, hiring someone to advocate on your behalf probably feels unnecessary. Such logic may be sound, but it fails to account for all that a personal injury attorney does. It also overlooks the fact ... [Read More]
Oct 13, 2021 by
Putting together a strong premises liability claim is far from easy. Like other tort actions, such claims demand all kinds of evidence, much of which is challenging to obtain. Tracking damages also requires an ongoing effort. And of course, compiling everything so you can commence the negotiations is a major endeavor. As long as your claim yields a payout, though, the hassle is well worth the struggle. While there’s no ... [Read More]
Oct 6, 2021 by
If you were struck by a reckless driver while riding your motorcycle, you’re probably entitled to compensation for the associated damages. Before you can hold the driver liable, though, you’re going to have to put together a strong claim. While a resourceful motorcycle accident attorney can handle all the legal aspects of your case, there are a few ways to bolster the claim on your end. Read on to learn ... [Read More]
Sep 28, 2021 by
Nursing home abuse occurs far more often than most people realize. While it’s reasonable to assume long-term care facilities have their residents’ best interests at heart, that’s unfortunately not always the case. Some nursing homes are consistently understaffed, for example, leaving their elderly patients to fend for themselves for most of the day. Others fail to conduct comprehensive background checks, exposing vulnerable seniors to employees who may not have the ... [Read More]