How Can I Strengthen My Car Accident Claim?

If you were recently hurt in a car accident in Florida and your financial security is now in jeopardy, you are not alone. Unanticipated injuries are enough to threaten most people’s lifestyle, especially if they’re unable to work. From week after week of missed wages to mounting medical expenses, the associated damages can add up fast.

Thankfully, you may be entitled to compensation. As long as you meet the state’s serious injury threshold, you can file a third-party claim with the at-fault motorist’s carrier.

Of course, just because you have grounds for a claim doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed a payout. In order to secure funds for your losses, you’re going to have to put together a compelling case.

While a resourceful car accident attorney can help, there are a few steps you can take to support their efforts and strengthen your claim in the process. Read on to learn what they are:

1. Prioritize Your Recovery

Personal injury claimants are expected to take reasonable measures to mitigate damages. That means seeking prompt medical care and then following all their doctor’s orders once they do.

Along the way, it’s imperative that you document everything. Preserve all your medical records, save any correspondence from your health insurance carrier, and ask for a progress report at every physical therapy session.

2. Limit Your Online Activity

If you’re active on Instagram, Facebook, or another social media platform, you should assume the insurance adjuster will attempt to monitor your content. Should you post anything that opens the door for a dispute, you can be sure they’ll use it to challenge your credibility.

As such, it’s best to disable your profiles until your claim has been resolved. If that’s impractical, at least enable stricter privacy settings, and avoid posting anything that could potentially be misconstrued and used against you.

3. Keep a Journal

Florida allows for the recovery of non-economic damages like pain and suffering, emotional distress, and diminished quality of life. Unlike economic damages, however, such losses aren’t accompanied by any tangible documentation.

Fortunately, there are a few widely accepted ways to demonstrate the extent of non-economic damages, and journal entries are one of them. As soon as possible after the crash, start writing detailed entries in a personal journal.

Record how your life has changed since the accident and what kinds of hurdles you face from day to day as a result of your injuries. These logs will contextualize your medical records, so you can pursue the maximum payout possible.

Discuss Your Case with a Car Accident Attorney in Stuart

Do you want to take action against a reckless driver? For help with every aspect of your car accident claim, turn to Donaldson & Weston.

Our firm is well-versed in tort law, and you can be sure we’ll provide both the personalized attention you deserve and the strategic counsel you need. Call 772-266-5555 or complete our Contact Form to schedule a free initial consultation with a car accident lawyer in Stuart.