What Will a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Ask During the Initial Consultation?

If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident, the aftermath is probably overwhelming. In addition to dealing with physical injuries and property damage, you may be facing numerous legal and financial concerns.

The easiest way to get a clear understanding of your rights and the various paths before you is by consulting a knowledgeable motorcycle accident attorney. During your initial consultation, the attorney will attempt to assess the situation, so they can help you determine how best to proceed. As such, you should be prepared to answer the following:

1. Can You Describe the Accident?

The lawyer will want to hear a detailed account of the crash including the date, time, location, and circumstances that led up to it. They will also ask about the extent of your injuries and any property damage that occurred. Providing a clear and concise account of the incident will help your legal team build a stronger case on your behalf.

2. Who Do You Think Was at Fault for the Accident?

Your attorney will want to know who you believe was responsible for the crash. This might include the driver of another vehicle, a road maintenance crew, or the manufacturer of a defective motorcycle part. Your lawyer will also ask about any eyewitnesses who can speak on what they saw leading up to the accident.

3. Have You Received Any Medical Treatment?

Your legal team will need to know about the care you’ve been receiving since the accident. They will also inquire about your injuries and whether you’re expected to make a full recovery. Providing detailed information about your condition will help them determine the extent of the total damage and the amount of compensation you may be able to seek.

4. What Kinds of Expenses Have You Incurred as a Result of the Crash?

Motorcycle accident victims can generally pursue funds for all the expenses they wouldn’t have incurred had they not gotten hurt. From medical bills and lost wages to property repairs and replacement services, be prepared to discuss all such costs during the initial consultation. If possible, bring along any corresponding documentation, like receipts and invoices.

5. Do You Have Any Questions for Us?

At the end of the meeting, your attorney will ask if you have any questions or concerns. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about your case and to get a better understanding of the legal process. You’ll also get the chance to inquire about the caliber of counsel they provide, so you can decide if you want to proceed with their representation.

Discuss Your Claim with a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Stuart

Need a motorcycle accident attorney in Florida? Look no further than Donaldson & Weston. We require no money upfront, nor do we charge any fees at all if the claim is unsuccessful. Call 772-266-5555 or submit our Contact Form to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our Stuart motorcycle accident lawyers.