The Facts Behind Amusement Park Injuries

Here, in the state of Florida, the sun is shining and the weather is warm basically year-round, making amusement parks and water parks a common attraction here. From Disney World to Busch Gardens, to here in South Florida where there are many water parks such as Rapids in West Palm Beach and amusement parks like Boomers in Boca Raton or the South Florida Fair to pique everyone’s interests. While these types of parks are usually nothing but excitement, there are many hidden dangers that are present at every amusement park. According to Florida law, theme parks owe a duty to their guests to keep the premises safe and, if there are unsafe conditions, the theme park owes a duty to warn their guests of these potentially dangerous situations. The theme park must maintain safe premises for everyone admitted to the theme park. This means the theme park owes a duty to individual who are riding roller coasters or water slides as well as an individual who is simply walking through the theme park.

Roller Coaster and Water Slide Injuries

In order for a roller coaster to be considered safe, there must be adequate restraints, supervision of the ride by an employee of the theme park, proper instructions given to the individuals riding the roller coaster or water slide, and proper maintenance and inspections must be performed on the rollercoaster or water slide. However, if the proper instructions were given and an individual blatantly disregards these instructions, the theme park, more than likely, will not be held liable for the injuries that occur.

Other Common Amusement Park Injuries

Even if an individual does not ride a roller coaster or waterslide at the theme park, a duty to provide a safe area to walk through is still required. As with most other businesses, there is a duty to provide safe sidewalks that are free from slippery substances or garbage. However, if the theme park provides the proper signage to warn their guests of the dangers, that will usually be considered sufficient. Additionally, there must be railings to aid support on staircases. Among other things, proper lighting is necessary, both in the theme park and in the parking lot.

These are some of the requirements that a theme park must have in order to provide a safe experience for a guest. As always, accidents can happen in theme parks. However, if an injury did occur and it was not an accident, an individual can recover monetary damages from the theme park since the theme park failed on their obligation to provide a safe environment for their guests.

If you’ve been injured at an amusement park, contact Donaldson & Weston today to protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve.


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