Palm City Boating Accident Lawyers

Florida's breathtaking coastline provides countless opportunities for recreation. Unfortunately, it also poses serious risks. Participating in any kind of watersport is dangerous, regardless of how experienced or safety-conscious you might be.

If you were hurt in a boating accident because the operator of your vessel or another boat was negligent, contact Donaldson & Weston. You may be entitled to compensation for all resulting damages including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Our boating accident attorneys will conduct a thorough investigation into the incident to help you determine the most strategic way to proceed. Call 772-266-5555 to schedule a free case evaluation with a personal injury lawyer in Palm City.

When Might Punitive Damages Be Awarded in Palm City Boating Accident Cases?

Personal injury claims fall under tort law. A tort is a civil wrong, which means such claims do not aim to punish the defendant for his or her behavior. Instead, personal injury suits-including those involving boating accidents-compensate the plaintiff for damages that he or she incurs as a direct result of the defendant's actions or inaction.

Examples of such damages include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. These are known as compensatory damages, which means they essentially reimburse the claimant for costs incurred in the wake of the accident.

In certain scenarios, though, the defendant deserves to be punished for his or her misconduct, and plaintiffs have the right to pursue a punitive award in addition to the standard compensatory damages. Whether they actually recover punitive damages depends on a variety of factors. Most claimants are not entitled to such an award, but those who can prove the liable party acted with gross negligence or intentional malice may be able to secure a punitive award on top of their compensatory damages.

At the end of the day, though, every case is different. If you want to find out the types of damages you may be able to pursue, it is wise to seek legal counsel.

A boating accident attorney from Donaldson & Weston can evaluate the specific details of your case to help you decide whether it's worth seeking a punitive award. In general, scenarios that might call for punitive damages include those involving a defendant who was boating while intoxicated or speeding in a congested waterway.