Oct 26, 2018 by
You probably know that people injured in car accidents in Florida can recover damages for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. However, in some cases, people who have been injured in car accidents or other personal injury actions may also be able to recover attorney’s fees on top of their other damages. Your skilled South Florida car accident attorney can help you to determine whether your case may ... [Read More]
Oct 20, 2018 by
It’s entirely possible for a fully coherent driver to cause an accident, but when a motorist is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, a collision is far more likely to be serious and result in injuries and death. Brain trauma is one of the most devastating injuries a person can sustain in such a crash. If you or someone in your family was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury ... [Read More]
Oct 19, 2018 by
The American justice system is based on the idea that judgment should come from a jury of one’s peers. Even in civil cases, the court relies on the jury to decide who should prevail and the amount of damages that should be awarded. The court does have mechanisms where they can increase the amount of damages awarded, called “additur.” However, additur is only supposed to be used in extreme cases. ... [Read More]
Oct 17, 2018 by
Most athletes accept at least some risk of injury when they choose to play a sport, but there are circumstances when a person or organization can be held financially liable for harm caused by a sporting accident. If you or your child sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) while playing a sport, it may be possible to seek compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages. The easiest ... [Read More]
Oct 12, 2018 by
When an auto parts manufacturer makes a mistake at any phase of the design, development, or distribution process, it can put everyone on the road at risk. If you were injured in a crash that was caused by a defective part, you might be entitled to compensation for the resulting damages; however, going up against a major corporation poses certain challenges. These companies and their insurance carriers have the resources ... [Read More]
Oct 10, 2018 by
When you go to a restaurant, you expect the food you are served to be safe. However, this does not always happen. The United States District Court of the Middle District of Florida heard a case related to food poisoning. If you get sick or injured at a restaurant, an experienced South Florida personal injury attorney can help you to hold the responsible parties accountable. Standards of Negligence In order ... [Read More]
Oct 5, 2018 by
It goes without saying that seat belts reduce the risk of injury and death in the event of an accident. That’s why 49 states—all but New Hampshire—have implemented laws that require operators and passengers to wear seat belts when riding in a moving vehicle. Fortunately, if you were unrestrained at the time of your collision, you may still be entitled to compensation for medical bills and other damages. That said, ... [Read More]
Oct 5, 2018 by
On July 1, 2016, there was a shooting at a nightclub in Palmetto, Florida. Three patrons of the nightclub were shot, and others were trampled in the ensuing chaos. Now, several of those injured in the incident have sued the nightclub for damages. Even though the nightclub owners were not the ones who did the shooting, the plaintiffs in this case allege that the owners were negligent in several important ... [Read More]
Sep 27, 2018 by
When you buy an insurance policy, you expect it to cover you in the event of an accident. However, you may want to exercise caution to ensure that it actually covers you, as this case warns. If you are injured in a car or truck accident, before you contact your insurer you should consult an experienced South Florida truck accident attorney to help protect you. Insurance companies will sometimes urge ... [Read More]
Sep 21, 2018 by
In order for a court to hear a case, they must have jurisdiction over that case. Sometimes there may be multiple courts that could potentially hear a given case. One situation that comes up is that a plaintiff will bring a case in a court that is inconvenient for the defendant. When that happens a defendant may ask for the case to be moved to a more convenient court by ... [Read More]