The consequences of signing an insurance company’s release
At the law firm of Donaldson and Weston, we receive calls from potential clients who represented themselves in their auto accident or slip and fall and have settled their case on their own without an attorney. Just the other day we received a call from a client who settled their case for a few thousand dollars, signed a release, and was still in pain from the accident. When the gentleman settled his case, the insurance company required him to sign a release which closed the case and prevented him from making a claim in the future. Signing a release is customary in personal injury cases when a settlement is reached with a bodily injury carrier, uninsured motorist or UM policy, or the defendant individually or through their corporate capacity.
Regardless of the party who receives the release, the person signing it agrees to never ask the defendant for money again for any reason relating to their accident. The release may have other important clauses barring future recovery, hold harmless, or indemnification agreements which may cause problems for the injured party moving forward. Basically, when someone signs a release, they are agreeing that their case is closed forever with that party.
As a result of signing a release, there was no way for us to help the gentleman. If you are injured in an accident, it is in your best interest to hire an experienced personal injury law firm to assist you in your claim. For more information, visit our website at or call us at 772-600-8707.