4 Social Media Tips for Personal Injury Claimants

You probably don’t think twice about updating your friends and followers about the big moments in your life. But if you intend to file a personal injury claim, it’s important that you’re careful about what you post online.

The insurance adjuster may search your social media profiles for photos, videos, and text posts that can be used to dispute your claim. If you or one of your connections posts something that brings liability or the severity of your injuries into question, it might jeopardize your case.

The only foolproof way to prevent your online presence from threatening your claim is to disable your accounts until the conclusion of the proceedings. But if you intend to keep your profiles active, the tips below may prevent social media from harming your case:

1. Update Your Privacy Settings

Change the privacy settings on all your profiles so only friends or followers can see what you post. Although the opposing party may still find a way to access your online content, this will at least create an added hurdle.

2. Do Not Accept New Friend Requests

As long as your case is pending, do not accept connections from those whom you’ve never actually met. There’s no way to be sure prospective acquaintances aren’t actually working for the insurance company.

It’s also wise to filter your existing friends and followers. Removing those whom you don’t know personally could make it harder for the opposing party to find your profile through other users.

3. Remind Those You Spend Time with That You Have a Pending Claim

Remind friends and loved ones that you’re in the midst of legal proceedings, and ask them not to post any photos of you until the case has been resolved. Even a seemingly innocuous picture—like you enjoying a dinner out with friends—could be misrepresented to dispute the severity of your injuries.

4. Avoid Posting About the Case

If you were involved in a serious accident, your friends and family will undoubtedly check up on you. Rather than posting about your injuries online, it’s best to send updates via text, phone, email, or in person. That way, the insurance company will have less online content to use against you if the adjuster reviews your social profiles.

While your claim is pending, refrain from doing any of the following on social media:

  • “Checking in” at medical facilities;
  • Asking for recommendations for various specialists from your friends and followers;
  • Posting photos of your injuries;
  • Posting statuses about your doctor’s appointments; or
  • Venting about your various limitations.

Even if you think certain posts would strengthen your case by serving as a written record of your recovery, it’s possible that the opposing party will misinterpret or misrepresent such posts to challenge your claim.

Call 772-266-5555 to Discuss Your Case with a Florida Personal Injury Attorney

If you were hurt in an accident through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to compensation for all resulting damages. To determine if you have grounds for a claim, contact Donaldson & Weston.

We’ve helped hundreds of clients in personal injury and wrongful death cases. Call 772-266-5555 or fill out our Contact Form to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Florida.