What Kinds of Questions Will a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Ask?

If you had reason to believe an elderly loved one was being neglected or abused by nursing home staff and you scheduled a consultation with an attorney, your family’s claim is off to a strong start. To ensure your first meeting with the lawyer is as productive as possible so you can maintain this momentum, it’s wise to prepare your answers to the following questions:

1. When and Why Did You First Suspect Neglect or Abuse?

Be prepared to discuss your earliest concerns with the long-term care facility. When did you start thinking your relative wasn’t receiving quality care? What were some of the first warning signs of trouble?

If you have any documentation corroborating your suspicions—like photographs of visible wounds or nursing logs for unexplained hospitalizations—bring it to your initial consultation for review. 

2. Was There a Single Transgression, or Has the Neglect or Abuse Been Ongoing?

Has the facility been continuously failing the victim, or did a single incident—like a fall that could’ve been prevented—occur? While your legal team will want to conduct a comprehensive investigation of their own, your theories regarding the extent of the abuse will provide them with a jumping off point. 

3. Did You Inform the Facility of Your Concerns?

Do nursing home administrators know you’re unhappy with the care your relative has been receiving? If so, how did they find out? Did you write a letter? Request a private meeting? Move your loved one out?

If the facility is aware of your concerns, you should also be prepared to discuss any correspondence you’ve had with them since they found out. Should you have any letters, emails, or voice messages from administrators, bring them to your consultation. 

4. Can Your Family Demonstrate Damages?

Did you incur hefty medical bills as a result of the neglect or abuse? What about the costs associated with relocating the victim? And how has he or she suffered since?

If you have bills, invoices, or other documentation logging any such damages, bring them to your first meeting with your nursing home abuse attorney. 

5. Has Anyone in Your Family Been Vocal About the Neglect or Abuse on Social Media?

It’s only natural to want to raise awareness of the facility’s transgressions, especially if you think other residents may also be receiving substandard care. As long as you plan on taking action, though, it’s best to keep your concerns off social media. At the end of the day, there’s no way to predict how the opposing party might spin various posts against you, thereby discrediting your claim. 

Discuss Your Case with a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in West Palm Beach

If someone in your family was neglected or abused by nursing home staff, turn to Donaldson & Weston. We won’t let the facility sweep their transgressions under the rug.

Our tireless attorneys have a passionate commitment to protecting the physical, emotional, and financial well-being of our valued clients. Call 561-299-3999 or use our Contact Form to set up a free case review with a nursing home abuse lawyer in West Palm Beach.

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