Aggressive Driving Accident Attorneys in West Palm Beach, FL

Many drivers get frustrated with traffic and other motorists while behind the wheel. However, when these frustrations go beyond the norm and create dangerous situations, serious injuries or fatalities may result. In West Palm Beach, aggressive driving is a major factor in many fatal accidents. The aggressive driving accident attorneys at Donaldson & Weston help victims harmed by another driver’s road rage pursue proper action against that driver. Our West Palm Beach aggressive driving accident lawyers have vast trial experience representing victims, as well as families of people who lost their lives, in personal injury claims seeking compensation for losses incurred as a result of a driver’s aggressive actions. If you have suffered an injury in an aggressive driving accident, or if you have lost a loved one due to another driver’s reckless actions, contact our office today to find out more about how we can help.

Aggressive Driving in West Palm Beach

Each year, approximately 27,000 victims are killed due to aggressive driving nationwide. Locally, roads such as I-95 and Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard experience some of the deadliest collisions as a result of a driver’s aggression. Under Florida law, aggressive driving is defined as engaging in at least two of the actions listed, either simultaneously or one after another:

  • Driving at speeds of 15 mph or more over the posted speed limit;

  • Making dangerous or sudden lane changes;

  • Tailgating;

  • Failing to yield to another driver’s right of way;

  • Passing improperly; or

  • Violating traffic signs or signals.

Aggressive driving can be caused by a variety of factors. Traffic issues, stress, being late for work or another appointment, or fatigue can all lead to a driver unsafely lashing out. However, the aggressive driving accident attorneys at our West Palm Beach practice recognize that these conditions are no excuse for a driver putting motorists, pedestrians, and others at risk on the road. When confronted with an aggressive driver, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends that motorists ignore their actions and report the driver to law enforcement in order to prevent an even more dangerous situation from arising.

Holding Aggressive Drivers Responsible

When an aggressive driver causes an accident and related injuries, they can be held liable in a personal injury claim. These claims are based on the theory of negligence, which requires showing that the driver breached their duty to act as a reasonable and prudent person would act when confronted with a similar situation. A driver who is tailgating another driver at a high speed while in a heightened emotional state, leading to a severe collision, is likely to be found unreasonable. The other elements of negligence require victims to show that their injuries were caused by the defendant’s negligent actions and resulted in damages.

When a victim loses their life as a result of an aggressive driving accident, certain family members may file a wrongful death claim pursuant to Florida’s Wrongful Death Act. Damages available to these family members may include compensation for a victim’s medical costs, funeral or burial expenses, and loss of companionship. Personal injury claims must be filed within four years from the date of the injury. Wrongful death cases are given even less time, since a statute of limitations of two years from the date of a victim’s death is imposed on these claims.